donderdag 19 november 2015

University of Toronto, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

De Universiteit van Toronto. Even wat feitjes op een rij:

82.000+ students
17.000+ faculty & staff
140+ librarians
3 campuses
16e the world University ranking
Educational innovation with new technology:
  • Forecast changes to teaching and learning in higher education
  • We must be agile to change
  • Allow instuctors flexibility to use technologies that best support their teaching
  • Focus is on the learning outcome and how technology facilitates learning and teaching
  • Build faculty resilience to educational technology change and adoption in learning and teaching

Next generation digital learning environments (NGDLE)

"We recommend a 'Lego' approach to realizing the NGDLE, where NGDLE comforming components are built that allow individuals and institutions the opportunity to construct learning environments tailored to their requirements and goals."

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